The Fundació IRIS-CC will promote a solidarity model to encourage the participation of society (citizens, companies, foundations, and public and private entities) in the financing of priority research areas aimed at solving health problems of the population.

The IRIS-CC has research groups specialised in aging, elderly care, public and community health, clinical research on prevalent diseases, regenerative medicine and application of new technologies to health problems.

Ways to contribute:

  • Anonymous donations
  • Personal donations (general or related to specific projects)
  • Contribution to the portfolio of sponsorship projects

Do you want to join the friends of the IRIS-CC?

Contact us:


Tel.: 931358315
Ctra. De Roda núm. 70
08500 Vic

Donate now

Your collaboration with the Fundació IRIS-CC enjoys the tax benefits included in Law 49/2002, by which people or companies have the right to deduct their donations in the income or company statement.

    30 €60 €90 €Other amount

    *all fields are required

    If you want to donate by bank transfer or using another payment method, contact us at tac.c1722069312c-sir1722069312i@ofn1722069312i1722069312