The IRIS-CC is a private foundation that governs, leads and manages the Institute for Research and Innovation in Life and Health Sciences in Central Catalonia. It is the result of a strategic alliance between 17 academic, health and social institutions in Central Catalonia and its influence’s area.
The Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia approved the constitution of the private foundation IRIS-CC on April 19, 2022. On May 6, 2022, the constituent meeting of the Board of Trustees took place.

Government bodies
Board of Trustees
Josep Eladi Baños Díez, Rector of UVIC-UCC, President
Eva Espasa Borràs, Vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer of UVIC-UCC
Jordi Baiget i Cantons, General Director of FUBalmes
Antoni Llobet Mercader, General Director of FUBages
Joan Vila Marta, Councillor of Manresa City Council
Jaume Aubia Marimon, CEO of Grup Med
Josep Arimany Manso, President of FESS-Medical School of UVIC-UCC
Marina Geli i Fàbrega, General Director of FESS-Medical School of UVIC-UCC
Jordi Conejos Sancho, President of Fundació Elisava
Javier Peña Andrés, General Director of Fundació Elisava
Josep Lluis Irujo Fatuarte, Fundació Althaia. First Vice-president
Manel Jovells i Cases, General Director of Fundació Althaia
Montserrat Domenech Santasusana, Healthcare Director of Fundació Althaia
Dolors Gassó Bonvehí, Fundació Althaia
Núria Prat Gil, Manager of ICS in Central Catalonia. Second Vice-president
Francesc Iglesias Garcia, Head of the research and innovation support office of ICS
Sara Manjon del Solar, Manager of Consorci Hospitalari de Vic and Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic. Third Vice-president
Joan Escarrabill Sanglas, Consorci Hospitalari de Vic
Joan Mir Tubau, Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic
Jordi Roca Casas, Strategy and Innovation Director of Consorci Hospitalari de Vic and Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic
Manel Valls Martorell, General Director of Fundació Sant Andreu Salut de Manresa
Manel Peiró Posadas, Fundació Sant Andreu Salut Manresa
Jordi Trelis Navarro, Managing Director of Fundació Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Martorell
Josep Maria Padrosa Macias, Managing Director of Hospital d’Olot
Joan Grané Alsina, Managing Director of Hospital de Campdevànol
Marta Serrarols Soldevila, Manager-CEO Director of EBA EAP Vic-Sud
Mercè Generó, Management of Fundació Osonament
Clàudia Bayés Genís, Manager of Consultori Bayés
Antoni Joan Espinal Freixas, General Director of Fundació AMPANS
Josep Fabregó Trabal, Member of the board of Osona contra el càncer
Jordi Espona Arumí, Secretary of the Board of Trustees
Delegated Commission
Josep Eladi Baños, Rector of UVIC-UCC. President
Jordi Baiget i Cantons, General Director of FUBalmes
Antoni Llobet Mercader, General Director of FUBages
Marina Geli i Fàbrega, General Director of FESS
Javier Peña Andrés, General Director of Fundació Elisava
Manel Jovells i Cases, General Director of Fundació Althaia
Núria Prat Gil, Manager of ICS in Central Catalonia
Sara Manjón del Solar, General Manager of CHV
Direction bodies
The Director of the IRIS-CC is Dr. José Jerónimo Navas Palacios, who assumes the competences established in the by-laws of: management, planning, organization and control of all research, innovation and general management activities, and human resources of the Institute.
The direction is responsible for raising to the board of trustees for their approval, the strategic planning and budget proposals. The direction receives from the Manager, the Steering Committee, the Internal Scientific Committee and the Territorial and Scientific Coordinations, the information to formulate the strategic, financial and scientific planning.
The manager of the Institute, Mrs. Olga Bellorbí Rubio, has the competencies established in the by-laws, and organically depends on the Direction. It is accountable for the management of the financial resources, human resources and general services of the Institute.

Steering Committee
José Jerónimo Navas Palacios, Director of IRIS-CC, President
Olga Bellorbí Rubio, Manager of IRIS-CC, Secretary
Gemma Cuberas Borrós, Head of the Clinical Trials Unit
Juan Manuel Barroso Beltran, Head of the Projects Unit
Núria Roger Canals, Territorial Coordinator of Osona-Vic
Alfons Hervàs Roque, Territorial Coordinator of Bages-Manresa
Elena Medarde Barragán, Head of the Innovation Unit
María Alejo Sánchez, Head of the Biobank Unit
Irene Roman Degano, Head of the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit
Basic biomedical research laboratory coordination (vacant)
Advising Committees
Scientific Advisory Board
Composition pending approval by the board of trustees
Internal Scientific Committee
José Jerónimo Navas Palacios, Director of IRIS-CC, President
Olga Bellorbí Rubio, Manager of IRIS-CC, Secretary
Eva Espasa Borràs, Vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer of UVIC-UCC
Roberto Elosua, Vice-dean for Research of the Medical School of the UVIC-UCC
Carlo Manzo, Research delegate of life and health sciences-related faculties of the UVIC-UCC
Marta Otero, Tissue Repair and Regeneration RA Coordinator
Jordi Villà, Bioinformatics and Bioimaging RA Coordinator
Manuel Crespo, Clinical RA Coordinator
Irene Roman, Epidemiology and Public Health RA Coordinator
Jordi Amblàs, Ageing and Chronicity RA Coordinator
Javier Jerez, Care RA Coordinator
Anna M. Puig, Transversal Programs RA Coordinator
Elena Medarde, Innovation RA Coordinator
Ignasi Puig, Scientific/territorial Coordinator of Bages-Manresa
Judit Serra, Scientific/territorial Coordinator of Osona-Vic
Josep Vidal, Scientific coordinator of ICS in Catalonia Central
Jessica Fernández, Scientific coordinator of Fundació Elisava
Coordinator of the basic biomedical research laboratory (vacant)
Organisational chart

Territorial coordination teams
The IRIS-CC is a territorially based institute with a multicentric character. There is an aggregation of centres in Manresa (Bages) and Vic (Osona). To take advantage of the pre-existing structures to maintain proximity and diligence in the management of the resources of the researchers, two territorial coordination teams have been established: one in Manresa, located at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (Fundació Althaia), and another in Vic, located in Can Baumann (Medical School).
Each territorial unit has a coordination team (general coordinator, scientific/territorial coordinator, and the heads of the operational units).

Territorial coordination team of Bages (Manresa)
Alfons Hervàs, General Coordinator of Bages-Manresa
Ignasi Puig, Scientific/territorial Coordinator of Bages-Manresa
Gemma Cuberas, Head of the Operational Unit of Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan de Déu – Althaia
Elena Medarde, Head of the Operational Unit of FUBages
Maria Bosch, Head of the Operational Unit of Hospital de Sant Andreu Salut
Carme Serrano, Head of the Operational Unit of Fundació Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Martorell
Josep Vidal, Head of the Operational Unit of ICS-Bages

Territorial coordination team of Osona (Vic)
Núria Roger, General Coordinator of Osona-Vic
Judit Serra, Scientific/territorial Coordinator of Osona-Vic
Eduard Kanterewicz, Head of the Operational Unit of Hospital Universitari Consorci Hospitalari de Vic
Beth Dachs, Head of the Operational Unit of FUBalmes-FESS
Núria Molist, Head of the Operational Unit of Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic
Carmen Álvarez, Head of the Operational Unit of EBA EAP Vic-Sud
Josep Vidal, Head of the Operational Unit of ICS-Osona
Jessica Fernández, Head of the Operational Unit of Fundació Elisava
Jaume Heredia, Head of the Operational Unit of Hospital d’Olot
Verònica Mora, Head of the Operational Unit of Hospital de Campdevànol

Contracting profile
Legal name: Fundació Institut de Recerca i Innovació en Ciències de la Vida i de la Salut de la Catalunya Central, FUNDACIÓ IRIS-CC
Address: Can Baumann, carretera de Roda, número 70, 08500 VIC, Barcelona
Telephone: (+34) 93 135 83 15