Dr. Clara Martínez Vila, winner of the Balil-Pelegrí 2024 scholarship

The Evaluation Committee of the III Edition of the Balil-Pelegrí Scholarship, awarded by the GEICAM Breast Cancer Research Group, has announced that Dr. Clara Martínez Vila, from ALTHAIA Xarxa Asistencial de Manresa, attached to “l’Institut de recerca i innovació en ciències de la vida i de la salut a la Catalunya Central” (IRIS-CC) is the winner of this call.
With this grant, GEICAM wants to offer support and recognition to medical researchers who develop clinical research projects in the field of breast cancer carried out in hospitals affiliated to the Group. This scholarship, which merges the old award in honour of Dr Ana Balil and the Travel Grant in memory of Dr Amadeu Pelegrí, is today a benchmark in medical research in Spain.

A project on the detection of cardiotoxicity of treatments
The award-winning project, entitled: “Prospective analysis of biomarkers and other clinical tools to predict cardiac events beyond cardiotoxicity and/or cardiac damage as a consequence of current (neo)adjuvant treatment strategies in different subtypes of localised breast cancer” (neo)adjuvant in different subtypes of localized breast cancer), focuses on evaluating different strategies to improve the early detection of cardiac toxicity of some of the most frequently used treatments in the (neo)adjuvant treatment of breast cancer.

Support for clinical research on breast cancer in Spain
The Balil-Pelegrí Scholarship, which has a financial endowment of 42,000 euros, aims to promote innovative projects that address fundamental aspects of breast cancer in its prevention, diagnosis and monitoring. This scholarship is aimed at oncology specialists who work in hospitals affiliated with GEICAM, promoting collaboration and the development of initiatives that have a positive impact on the quality of life of their patients.
The Evaluation Committee of this call was composed of three experts in the area, Sonia Servitja, Marta Santisteban and Josefina Cruz, members of the GEICAM Board of Directors, who highlighted the quality of Dr. Martínez Vila’s project as an example of the cutting-edge clinical research promoted by the GEICAM Group.

The delivery of the endowment will take place during the 16th International Symposium of GEICAM, which will take place between March 26 and 28 of this year. This symposium will bring together leading researchers and professionals in the field of oncology, being an opportunity to share advances and generate new collaborations in research on this disease.
Congratulations to Dr. Clara Martínez Vila for this recognition and for her great contribution to scientific research on breast cancer.