IRIS-CC, towards HRS4R accreditation in the field of Human Resources

On March 6th, 2024, IRIS-CC introduced in the EURAXESS e-tool the three basic documents required by the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) of the European Union.

Based on the Researcher’s Charter and the Employers’ Code of Conduct, HRS4R establishes guidelines for formulating rights and duties of researchers and contracting institutions.

The three submitted documents (“Gap Analysis”, “Action Plan” and “OTM-R”) have been prepared by four committees:

  • Stakeholder Committee
  • Steering Committee
  • Implementation Committee (ad hoc committee with IRIS-CC’s Human Resources managers and scientists)
  • Scientific Community Committee

The latter consists of the IRIS-CC director, José Jerónimo Navas, who is the president, and the following researchers: R4 Irene Roman (FESS) and Manuel Crespo (Althaia); R3 Noelia Téllez (FESS) and Joan Espaulella (HSC Vic); R2 Marc Llirós (FUBalmes) and Nadia Carmina Espejo (CHV) and R1 Anna Codina (FUBalmes) and Dolors Garcia (Althaia).

In the photo, the Stakeholder Committee, which is represented by the Board of Trustees and/or the Delegate Commission.

More information at