Last Thursday, December 15, the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the IRIS-CC Foundation was held. The meeting took place in the Gothic Room of the UVIC-UCC, located in the Casa Convalecència de Vic, and was attended by 22 members of the Board of Trustees, who are representatives of the 14 founding institutions.
The act was chaired by Mr. Josep-Eladi Baños, President of the Board of Trustees of the IRIS-CC Foundation, and counted on the presence of the Director of the Institute, Mr. José Jerónimo Navas Palacios, and the Manager of the Institute, Ms. Olga Bellorbí.
Among the most important agreements, it is worth noting that the draft budget for 2023 and the update of the Institute’s Viability Plan were approved. In addition, the appointments of the scientific and territorial coordination of the IRIS-CC were also approved, which can be consulted in the Research section of the website.
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for the first quarter of 2023.