IRIS-CC starts the procedures for the HRS4R certificate

The IRIS-CC begins the procedures to obtain the certificate of excellence in human resources Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), by signing the subscription to the Researcher’s Charter and Code of Conduct of the Contracting Entities.

This certificate is a recognition of the institutions’ commitment to developing a human resources strategy for research staff by implementing the Researcher’s Charter and Code of Conduct in their policies and practices. Thus, the centers are more attractive to research staff looking for a place to carry out their research projects.

The process of obtaining the HRS4R certificate is a process that begins with the presentation of the endorsement letter (letter of acceptance and commitment to comply with the Letter of the Investigator and the Code of Conduct), a Gap Analysis (analysis of the deficiencies), the Checklist of the Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R Checklist) and the design of the initial Action Plan, within 12 months. Once submitted, a phase of up to 5 years begins for the implementation and review, if needed, of the action plan.

The action plan involves the involvement of all the institution’s staff, with the aim of offering a favorable, stimulating work environment that encourages equal opportunities, ethical integrity and the well-being of research staff.

More information about the HRS4R available at: